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racket / racket
The Racket repository
mbutterick / pollen
book-publishing system in Racket
greghendershott / frog
Frog is a static web site generator implemented in Racket, targeting Bootstrap and able to use Pygments.
uwplse / herbie
Synthesis for floating-point expressions
dyoo / whalesong
Whalesong: Racket to JavaScript compiler
epsil / gll
General Parser Combinators in Racket
greghendershott / rackjure
Provide a few Clojure-inspired ideas in Racket. Where Racket and Clojure conflict, prefer Racket.
dmac / spin
Write RESTful web apps in Racket.
tyrchen / racket-book
My racket study documentation
calvis / cKanren
Constraint programming language embedded in Racket
samth / gradual-typing-bib
A bibliography on Gradual Typing
takikawa / racket-clojure
#lang clojure
ntoronto / pict3d
3-dimensional picts
get-bonus / get-bonus
an experimental video game development environment
greghendershott / fear-of-macros
A practical guide to Racket macros
soegaard / urlang
Urlang is JavaScript with a sane syntax
soegaard / whalesong
Whalesong: Racket to JavaScript compiler
tonyg / marketplace
From Functional I/O to Functional Systems Programming.
racket / typed-racket
Typed Racket
samvv / racket-gaming
A racket/gui wrapper for simple game development.
ntoronto / drbayes
Dr. Bayes
danprager / racket-2048
The 2048 game implemented in Racket language
DarrenN / identikon
Racket scripts for generating identicons
coding-robots / iwl
"I Write Like" source code.
tonyg / pi-nothing
i386, x86_64, ARMv7 assembler/linker; Nothing-like mid-level language; Linear-scan register allocator; Operating system for Raspberry Pi