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  1. BowlerHatLLC / feathers

    User interface components for Starling Framework

    ActionScript • Built by @joshtynjala @osro @honzabrecka @renaun @kavolorn

  2. LLK / scratch-flash

    Open source version of the Scratch 2.0 project editor. This is the basis for the online and offline versions of Scratch found on the website.

    ActionScript • Built by @cwillisf @sclements @nathan @doyousketch2 @bsb20

  3. Gamua / Starling-Framework

    The Cross Platform Game Engine

    ActionScript • Built by @PrimaryFeather @vpmedia @honzabrecka @tconkling @joshtynjala

  4. mikechambers / as3corelib

    An ActionScript 3 Library that contains a number of classes and utilities for working with ActionScript? 3. These include classes for MD5 and SHA 1 hashing, Image encoders, and JSON serialization as well as general String, Number and Date APIs.

    ActionScript • Built by @mikechambers @darronschall @cantrell

  5. AdamAtomic / flixel

    flixel is a free Actionscript (Flash) library that I distilled from a variety of Flash games that I've worked on over the last couple years, including Gravity Hook, Fathom and Canabalt. It's primary function is to provide some useful base classes that you can extend to make your own game objects.

    ActionScript • Built by @AdamAtomic @haydn

  6. robertpenner / as3-signals

    Signals is a new approach for AS3 events, inspired by C# events and signals/slots in Qt.

    ActionScript • Built by @robertpenner @joa @brianheylin @neilmanuell @jonopus

  7. robotlegs / robotlegs-framework

    An ActionScript 3 application framework for Flash and Flex

    ActionScript • Built by @darscan @Stray @joelhooks @robertpenner @tschneidereit

  8. jhuckaby / webcamjs

    HTML5 Webcam Image Capture Library with Flash Fallback

    ActionScript • Built by @jhuckaby @luopio @davepower @manuelodelain @scurker

  9. amitp / mapgen2

    Map generator for games. Generates island maps with a focus on mountains, rivers, coastlines.

    ActionScript • Built by @amitp @jterrace @retinaburn

  10. away3d / away3d-core-fp11

    Away3D engine for Flash Player 11

    ActionScript • Built by @DerSchmale @Fabrice3D @rob-bateman @richardolsson @liaocheng

  11. minimalcomps / minimalcomps

    Minimal ActionScript 3.0 UI Components for Flash

    ActionScript • Built by @ElliotMebane @bit101 @kommander @tynril @makc

  12. DaVikingCode / Citrus-Engine

    Modern AS3 Game Engine

    ActionScript • Built by @alamboley

  13. claus / as3swf

    Low level Actionscript 3 library to parse, create, modify and publish SWF files.

    ActionScript • Built by @claus @jcheng @timknip2 @DmitriyYukhanov @makc

  14. mangui / flashls

    HLS Flash Plugin/Player (Chromeless,OSMF,FlowPlayer,mediaelement.js,video.js,Clappr)

    ActionScript • Built by @mangui @jlacivita @shaharmor @flavioribeiro @NicolasSiver

  15. infusion / jQuery-webcam

    A webcam wrapper plugin for jQuery

    ActionScript • Built by @infusion @sshilko @zenitraM @akdetrick @diogomafra

  16. useflashpunk / FlashPunk

    A free ActionScript 3 library designed for developing 2D Flash games. It provides you with a fast, clean framework to prototype and develop your games in. This means that most of the dirty work (timestep, animation, input, and collision to name a few) is already coded for you and ready to go, giving you more time and energy to concentrate on the…

    ActionScript • Built by @Draknek @ChevyRay @zachwlewis @noonat @djcsdy

  17. richardlord / Ash

    An Actionscript 3 entity system framework for game development

    ActionScript • Built by @richardlord @neilmanuell @nielswijers @hyakugei @ZackPierce

  18. AlternativaPlatform / Alternativa3D

    Alternativa3D Flash GPU accelerated 3D engine

    ActionScript • Built by @Yaski @leonid-gaev @pecheny @makc @ChrisDenham

  19. jesses / wck

    Box2d Flash Alchemy Port + World Construction Kit (AS3 Physics Engine)

    ActionScript • Built by @jesses

  20. fljot / Gestouch

    Gestouch: multitouch gesture recognition library for Flash (ActionScript) development.

    ActionScript • Built by @fljot

  21. gskinner / AS3Libs

    A collection of AS3 libraries and sketches that I have built over the years.

    ActionScript • Built by @gskinner

  22. increpare / bfxr

    Flash + AIR sound effects generator. Based on Sfxr.

    ActionScript • Built by @increpare

  23. lrrrs / nd2d

    A Flash Molehill (Stage3D) GPU accelerated 2D game engine

    ActionScript • Built by @lrrrs @katopz @komelgman @kutu @nshen

  24. dima / restfulx_framework

    The RESTful way to develop Adobe Flex and AIR applications.

    ActionScript • Built by @dima @peterarmstrong @malkomalko @scho

  25. greensock / GreenSock-AS3

    Public repository for GreenSock's ActionScript 3 libraries like GSAP (TweenLite, TweenMax, etc.) and LoaderMax. For AS2, see the GreenSock-AS2 repository and for JavaScript, see the GreenSock-JS repository. Main site:

    ActionScript • Built by @jackdoyle

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