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  1. seL4 / l4v

    seL4 specification and proofs

    Isabelle • Built by @lsf37 @davidg2603 @talsewell @mn200 @whalefur

  2. diekmann / Iptables_Semantics

    Verified iptables Firewall Ruleset Analysis

    Isabelle • Built by @diekmann @larsrh @jcaesar @ammbauer

  3. seL4 / isabelle

    git mirror of the Munich isabelle hg repository

    Isabelle • Built by @invalid-email-address @larsrh @cezaryka @lammich @lsf37

  4. meiersi / scyther-proof

    A tool for the automatic generation of Isabelle/HOL correctness proofs for security protocols.

    Isabelle • Built by @meiersi @jshs @lochbihl

  5. 3of8 / sturm

    A formalisation of Sturm's theorem in Isabelle with an executable decision procedure

    Isabelle • Built by @3of8

  6. prathamesh-t / Tangle-Isabelle

    Isabelle • Built by @prathamesh-t @siddhartha-gadgil

  7. javra / isabelle_algebra

    Isabelle Algebra Sandbox

    Isabelle • Built by @javra

  8. ramanala / StorageStackSemantics

    Isabelle • Built by @ramanala @vijay03

  9. davidlazar / halicore

    Translator from GHC Core to Isabelle/HOLCF

    Isabelle • Built by @dagit @davidlazar @atomb @caylee-hogg

  10. NICTA / l4v

    development version of seL4 proofs

    Isabelle • Built by @lsf37 @corlewis @tobycmurray @davidg2603

  11. tarc / concrete-semantics-book

    Self study log of the book

    Isabelle • Built by @tarc

  12. Alasdair / Thesis

    My Thesis

    Isabelle • Built by @Alasdair

  13. samth /

    Web page

    Isabelle • Built by @samth

  14. jamiepg1 / thesis-2

    Master's thesis

    • Built by @01mf02 @drievko

  15. jianqili / isabelle

    git mirror of the Munich isabelle hg repository

    • Built by @invalid-email-address @cezaryka @larsrh @lsf37 @lammich

  16. ehah / SCIS2014

    SCIS2014 Paper Files

    Isabelle • Built by @ehah

  17. larsrh / hol-optics

    Formalized optics in HOL

    Isabelle • Built by @larsrh

  18. larsrh / sorted

    Sorting algorithms in Isabelle/HOL

    Isabelle • Built by @larsrh

  19. isabelle-utp / utp-main

    An implementation of Hoare and He's Unifying Theories of Programming in Isabelle

    Isabelle • Built by @simondfoster @SamuelCanham

  20. 01mf02 / thesis

    Master's thesis

    Isabelle • Built by @01mf02 @drievko

  21. tjark / ML-for-NTS

    Modal Logics for Nominal Transition Systems

    Isabelle • Built by @tjark

  22. Alasdair / FM2014

    Isabelle • Built by @Alasdair @victorgomes

  23. diekmann / topoS

    Isabelle • Built by @diekmann @larsrh

  24. MerelyAPseudonym / isabelle

    Tracks with git-hg

    Isabelle • Built by @cezaryka @larsrh @lsf37 @lammich @noschinl

  25. jamiepg1 / isabelle

    working directory for Isabelle proof scripts

    • Built by @avigad @johoelzl @Keldacc

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