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baidu-research / warp-ctc
Fast parallel CTC.
antonmks / Alenka
GPU database engine
NVlabs / moderngpu
Design patterns for GPU computing
TorontoDeepLearning / convnet
A GPU implementation of Convolutional Neural Nets in C++
vlfeat / matconvnet
MatConvNet: CNNs for MATLAB
antonmks / nvParse
Fast, gpu-based CSV parser
udacity / cs344
Introduction to Parallel Programming class code
akrizhevsky / cuda-convnet2
Automatically exported from
dnouri / cuda-convnet
Fork of Alex Krizhevsky's cuda-convnet 1. Adds dropout.
sdemyanov / ConvNet
Convolutional Neural Networks for Matlab, including Invariang Backpropagation algorithm (IBP). Has versions for GPU and CPU, written on CUDA, C++ and Matlab. All versions work identically. The GPU version uses kernels from Alex Krizhevsky's library 'cuda-convnet2'.
NVlabs / cub
CUB is a flexible library of cooperative threadblock primitives and other utilities for CUDA kernel programming.
facebook / fbcuda
Facebook's CUDA extensions.
jzbontar / mc-cnn
Stereo Matching by Training a Convolutional Neural Network to Compare Image Patches
torch / cutorch
A CUDA backend for Torch7
gunrock / gunrock
High-Performance Graph Primitives on GPUs
ArchaeaSoftware / cudahandbook
Source code that accompanies The CUDA Handbook.
torch / cunn
NVIDIA / nccl
Optimized primitives for collective multi-GPU communication
zhxfl / CUDA-CNN
CNN accelerated by cuda. Test on mnist and finilly get 99.76%
szagoruyko / imagine-nn
IMAGINE torch neural network routines
Celebrandil / CudaSift
A CUDA implementation of SIFT for NVidia GPUs
voutcn / megahit
MEGAHIT: An ultra-fast single-node solution for large and complex metagenomics assembly via succinct de Bruijn graph
NVlabs / nvbio-gpl
NVBIO is a library of reusable components designed to accelerate bioinformatics applications using CUDA.
jhjin / flattened-cnn
Flattened convolutional neural networks (1D convolution modules for Torch nn)
nullsatz / gputools
gputools R package for gpu computing