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  1. ysc / cws_evaluation


    Lex • Built by @ysc

  2. lionsoul2014 / jcseg

    Jcseg是基于mmseg算法的一个轻量级开源中文分词器,同时集成了关键字提取,关键短语提取,关键句子提取和文章自动摘要等功能,并且提供了最新版本的lucene, solr, elasticsearch的分词接口。

    Lex • Built by @lionsoul2014 @dongyado @jujusharp @c9n

  3. voikko / corevoikko

    Libvoikko and essential linguistic resources

    Lex • Built by @hatapitk @tlikonen @ahomansikka @flammie @snomos

  4. lionsoul2014 / friso

    High performance chinese tokenizer with both GBK and UTF-8 charset support developed by ANSI C

    Lex • Built by @lionsoul2014 @kandu

  5. antonkarl / icecorpus

    Icelandic Treebank

    Lex • Built by @antonkarl @joelcw @Brynhildur @einarfs @Holado

  6. juju2143 / flufflepuff

    Fluffle Puff Programming Language

    Lex • Built by @juju2143 @topaz

  7. bohana / sentlex

    Tools and Libraries for Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis

    Lex • Built by @bohana

  8. Woseseltops / fowlt

    An English version of the context based spell checker

    Lex • Built by @Woseseltops @proycon @antalvdb

  9. onexsoft / friso

    High performance chinese tokenizer with both GBK and UTF-8 charset support developed by ANSI C

    Lex • Built by @lionsoul2014 @kandu

  10. x-meta / xworker


    Lex • Built by @x-meta @darrenzhong @RTM945

  11. proycon / tscan

    T-scan: an analysis tool for dutch texts to assess the complexity of the text, based on original work by Rogier Kraf

    Lex • Built by @kosloot @proycon @mhkuu

  12. yilinanyu / FLEX-HTML_Tags_Remover

    FLEX application that removes the tags (<something> from a html file)

    Lex • Built by @microweb10

  13. ebrian / boss

    Boss programming language

    Lex • Built by @ebrian

  14. adri95cadiz / tab_reader

    Lector y reproductor de tablaturas de guitarra en texto utilizando Flex. Text guitar tablature reader and player using Flex.

    Lex • Built by @adri95cadiz

  15. christoff-buerger / jastadd-c

    JastAdd-C: An extensible, specification-driven generated C99 compiler

    Lex • Built by @christoff-buerger

  16. atikhono / stanford_compilers

    The Stanford Compilers Coursework

    Lex • Built by @atikhono

  17. archie94 / Compiler-Lab

    These are the codes which I have written in my Compiler Lab for 5th semester in my B.Tech course.

    Lex • Built by @archie94

  18. AndreyPesnyak / libls_lyapas

    Lex • Built by @AndreyPesnyak @invalid-email-address

  19. CARLOSP7994 / Proyecto_Compiladores

    Proyecto de compiladores

    Lex • Built by @juanben @Jonathanpaez @CARLOSP7994

  20. jordane-quincy / TP1_Compilation

    Lex • Built by @JbRezidu @jordane-quincy

  21. eroux / ewts

    Minimal C library for EWTS -> Unicode conversion

    Lex • Built by @eroux

  22. NTNAEEM / PracticeBoard

    A board for our practices.

    Lex • Built by @kamcpp

  23. proycon / valkuil is een automatische spellingcorrector voor het Nederlands die zowel gewone typefouten als grammaticale fouten en verwarringen tussen bestaande woorden opspoort.

    Lex • Built by @proycon @antalvdb @Woseseltops

  24. wannamit / nep-SentiWord-py

    SentiWordNet generation for nepali language.

    Lex • Built by @wannamit

  25. vit1251 / xlexview

    X11 Lexicon Viewer

    Lex • Built by @vit1251

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