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githwxi / ATS-Postiats
ATS2: Unleashing the Potentials of Types and Templates
githwxi / ATS-Postiats-contrib
ATS-Postiats-contrib is primarily for packages contributed to ATS-Postiats
chrisdone / ats-examples
Examples from Introduction to Programming in ATS
deech / ATSPresentation
githwxi / ATS-Postiats-test
This repository is primarily for testing ATS2 on various platforms
wdblair / ATS-Postiats
Another implementation of ATS
steinwaywhw / ats-parcc
A parsing combinator library.
VictorErik / Pak128.Sweden-Ex
Pak Sweden for Simutrans Experiemental
shlevy / elvysh-main
Headers to define alternative program entry points.
wdblair / ats-pilot
A controller prototype for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in ATS.
jamiepg1 / freebsd-ports-1
mandel59 / ATS-Postiats
jamiepg1 / ATS-Postiats-contrib
ATS-Postiats-contrib is primarily for packages contributed to ATS-Postiats
mrd / ATS-Postiats
Another implementation of ATS
ashalkhakov / ATS-Postiats-contrib
ATS-Postiats-contrib is primarily for packages contributed to ATS-Postiats
bbarker / ATS-Postiats-contrib
ATS-Postiats-contrib is primarily for packages contributed to ATS-Postiats
noisesmith / learning-ats
various experiments with a language I don't know yet
alex-ren / ATS-Postiats
ATS2: Unleashing the Potentials of Types and Templates
thisismiller / ats2
playground for ats2 code
wdblair / ATS-Postiats-contrib
ATS-Postiats-contrib is primarily for packages contributed to ATS-Postiats
bbarker / ATS-Postiats
ATS2: Unleashing the Potentials of Types and Templates
jats-ug / ATS-Postiats
ashalkhakov / ATS-Postiats
ATS2: Unleashing the Potentials of Types and Templates
DawidvC / ATS-Postiats
ATS2: Unleashing the Potentials of Types and Templates
master-q / ATS-Postiats
ATS2: Unleashing the Potentials of Types and Templates