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JohnEarnest / Mako
A simple virtual game console
jamesbowman / swapforth
Swapforth is a cross-platform ANS Forth
larsbrinkhoff / lbForth
Self-hosting metacompiled Forth, bootstrapping from a few lines of C.
nimblemachines / muforth
A simple, indirect-threaded Forth, written in C; for target compiling; runs on Linux, BSD, OSX, and Cygwin
jkotlinski / durexforth
Modern C64 Forth
M2IHP13-admin / JonesForth-arm
davazp / eulex
A straightforward standalone Forth implementation for x86.
jamesbowman / j1
The J1 CPU
forthy42 / gforth
Gforth mirror on GitHub (original is on Savannah)
phreda4 / reda4
Programming Language
JorthVM / JorthVM
a Java VM implemented in Forth
benhoyt / third
Third, a small Forth compiler for 8086 DOS
earl / gforth-mirror
An automated mirror of Gforth's Git repository on Savannah ( Updates hourly.
schmx / jackit-forth
gforth bindings for libjack
philburk / hmsl
Hierarchical Music Specification Language, Forth tools for experimental music from the 1980's
irdvo / ffl
A general purpose Forth library
16Bitt / Forth86
A minimal Forth booter disk environment
narke / colorForth
Native 32-bit colorForth for PCs, Bochs and Qemu
16Bitt / forthstrap
Quickly generate a tailored FORTH environment with some small scripts
CharleyShattuck / myforth-arduino
A simple, non-standard, tethered Forth for the Arduino; including a steno keyboard application.
chitselb / pettil
6502 Forth for the Commodore PET 2001
wolfwejgaard / tclforth
Multi-platform desktop Forth
lukego / fwd
Forth bits-and-pieces (for World Domination)
DenisKnauf / presentation.fs
Presentations-software in Forth
samueltardieu / picforth
Forth compiler for Microchip PIC16Fxxx microcontrollers