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leafo / lapis
A web framework for Lua and OpenResty written in MoonScript
leafo / magick
Lua bindings to ImageMagick for LuaJIT using FFI
nondev / yae
Windows/Linux/Mac/Android/iOS/Ouya game engine for MoonScript, in MoonScript.
leafo / pgmoon
A pure Lua Postgres driver for use in OpenResty & more
blakeMilner / DeepQLearning
A powerful machine learning algorithm utilizing Q-Learning and Neural Networks, implemented using Torch and Lua.
leafo /
a website for running creative streaks
leafo / luarocks-site
a website for submitting and hosting lua rocks
TypesettingTools / Aegisub-Motion
Lua plugin for Aegisub auto4 that parses motion tracking data and applies it to selected subtitles.
leafo / lapis-community
Lets build a message board in Lapis!
leafo / web_sanitize
Lua library for sanitizing untrusted HTML
losinggeneration / gimlet
A micro web application framework for OpenResty written in Moonscript inspired by Martini & Sinatra.
torque / mpv-progressbar
A simple progress bar for mpv.
leafo / loadkit
Loadkit allows you to load arbitrary files within the Lua package path
SEEDTEAM / jack-telegram-bot
A multi purpose telegram bot written in MoonScript
johnae / spook
Lightweight replacement for Guard, based on LuaJIT, MoonScript, C and libuv
fangzai / DeepQLearning
A powerful machine learning algorithm utilizing Q-Learning and Neural Networks, implemented using Torch and Lua.
tophf / ijitsuki
Aegisub 3+ moonscript macros
leafo / lua-uinput
A Lua library for creating a virtual keyboard on Linux with uinput
szensk / moonraker
moonscript build system
TeamUlysses / ulx4
The ULX addon for Garry's Mod
leafo / lua-mailgun
Lua bindings to Mailgun HTTP API
leafo / ludum-dare-25
Make a game in 48 hours!
Hamcha / wallyadv
Wally's Grand Adventure (MSDOS)
leafo / ludum-dare-27
theme: 10 seconds
Xe /
The code that powers my site