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vivo-project / VIVO
VIVO is an extensible semantic web application that builds on Vitro for the purpose of enabling research discovery.
ontop / ontop
-ontop- is a platform to query databases as Virtual RDF Graphs using SPARQL. It's extremely fast and is packed with features.
api-platform / schema-generator
PHP Model Scaffolding from vocabulary
jhpoelen / eol-globi-data
infrastructure to normalize, enrich and export, species interaction data through using existing species interaction datasets
dbpedia / extraction-framework
The software used to extract structured data from Wikipedia
common-workflow-language / common-workflow-language
Repository for CWL Specifications
Complexible / pellet
Pellet is an OWL 2 reasoner in Java; open source (AGPL) and commercially licensed, commercial support available.
Esri / geoportal-server
Geoportal Server is a standards-based, open source product that enables discovery and use of geospatial resources including data and services.
AKSW / DL-Learner
A tool for supervised Machine Learning in OWL and Description Logics
An RDF Unit Testing Suite
RDFLib / FuXi
Chimezie Ogbuji's FuXi reasoner, RDFLib 4, Py3 compat UNDER DEVELOPMENT
dvcama / LodView
IRI dereferencer, RDF to HTML
ucsdlib / dams
DAMS ontology and data model documentation
ha-mo-we / Racer
Racer is a knowledge representation system that implements a highly optimized tableau calculus for the description logic SRIQ(D).
owlcollab / owltools
CellCognition / cecog
A fast and cross-platform image analysis framework for fluorescence time-lapse microscopy and bioimage informatics.
edamontology / edamontology
EDAM is an ontology of bioinformatics types of data including identifiers, data formats, operations and topics.
obophenotype / uberon
uber-anatomy ontology
structureddynamics / Bibliographic-Ontology-BIBO
The Bibliographic Ontology Specification provides main concepts and properties for describing citations and bibliographic references (i.e. quotes, books, articles, etc) on the Semantic Web.
knowrob / knowrob
KnowRob core packages and general issue tracker for the KnowRob knowledge base
obophenotype / human-phenotype-ontology
Ontology for the description human phenotypes
dbpedia / distributed-extraction-framework
DBpedia Distributed Extraction Framework: Extract structured data from Wikipedia in a parallel, distributed manner
taurenshaman / semantic-web
Storing ontologies/vocabularies from the web. Wish anybody can translate some of them.
OpenGravestones / OpenGravestones
An project to provide open burial data built on open standards.
gxa / gxa
Gene Expression Atlas