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red / red
Red is a next-generation programming language strongly inspired by Rebol, but with a broader field of usage thanks to its native-code compiler, from system programming to high-level scripting and cross-platform reactive GUI, while providing modern support for concurrency, all in a zero-install, zero-config, single 1MB file!
PeterWAWood / Red-System-Libs
Red/System Libraries
martinus / YaceReloaded
Yet Another Corewar Evolver - It's been 12 years, now I'll try my luck again.
kealist / RS-fossil-mirror
Mirrors of the Fossil repositories hosted at
iArnold / Xiangqi
The game of Xiangqi programmed in Red
qtxie / red
Red Programming Language
ldci / glfw-red
OpenGL with GLFW and Red/System
DonaldTsang / LearnRed
For people to learn Red the fun way! <3
Skrylar / Redback
Spiderly support for automated binding with Red.
red / code
This repository contains code written in Red and its dialects by the Red community.
Oldes / Red
Red Programming Language
ProgVal / PyCorewar
Python library for debugging and benchmarking Externer LinkCore War programs. Imported from:
iceflow19 / red-mono
red-mono sandbox
MarkGoldberg / CwUnit
a UnitTesting Framework written in and for Clarion for Windows
ldci / OpenCV3-red
OpenCV for Red
cfreeley / github-language-rainbow
Just look at the colors
cjbrowne / Codewars
My redcode warriors for codewars, and other useful codewars-related stuff (like a Kate syntax highlighting file)
WayneCui / re-scripts
My playground for Rebol and Red related things.
rodrigosetti / corewar
Core War's MARS implementation in Python
JeppeHartm / RequirementEngineering
red-eco / red
Red Programming Language
JacobGood1 / red-sdl-bindings
bindings for sdl2
0branch / Red
Red Programming Language
Norqy / red
Red Programming Language
surma-dump / corewars