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hpcc-systems / ecl-ml
ECL Machine Learning code
hpcc-systems / ecl-samples
ECL example files
hpcc-systems / ECL-WLAM
ECL Web Log Analytics Module
hpcc-systems / ecl-bundles
Repository for ecl bundles under development
emuharemagic / ecl-ml
ECL Machine Learning code
Charles-Kaminski / FastEditDistanceUsingBigDataPrefixTrees
Build prefix trees on a big-data platform in a lightening fast way and query them using an edit-distance algorithm.
jprichard / ecl-ml
ECL Machine Learning code
DonVitorio / ecl-ml
ECL Machine Learning code
gilbcharlene / ecl-ml
ECL Machine Learning code
GordonSmith / ecl-samples
ECL example files
johnholt / ecl-samples
ECL example files
mjkrumlauf / hpcc-streaming-kafka
This repository contains the source code/documentation for streaming data using Apache Kafka and HPCC.
bp2014n2 / i2b2-db
Database related stuff for i2b2
richardkchapman / ecl-ml
ECL Machine Learning code
lorraineachapman / ecl-ml
ECL Machine Learning code
GordonSmith / Conf2013
fvillanustre / ECL-WLAM
ECL Web Log Analytics Module
johnholt / ecl-ml
ECL Machine Learning code
hpcc-systems / hpcc-streaming-kafka
Streaming data to HPCC using Apache Kafka
thanhnguyen195 / PrologFinal
ecl-bundles / Bloom
Bloom filter support
gitter-badger / HPCC-Documentation
Documentation subrepository for HPCC-Platform
cjferba / Problemas_de_Satisfaccion_de_Restricciones
Problemas resueltos en Eclipse-CLP.
gmwitz / Substitution_cipher_ECL
Saulus / actan