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fsprojects / Fable
F# to JavaScript Compiler
fsprojects / Paket
A dependency manager for .NET with support for NuGet packages and GitHub repositories.
SuaveIO / suave
Suave is a simple web development F# library providing a lightweight web server and a set of combinators to manipulate route flow and task composition.
fsprojects / VisualFSharpPowerTools
Power commands for F# in Visual Studio
fsharp / fsharp
The Open Edition of the F# compiler, core library and tools
Microsoft / visualfsharp
The Visual F# compiler and tools
fsharp / FAKE
FAKE - F# Make
ChrisMarinos / FSharpKoans
A simple, fun, and interactive way to learn the F# language through testing.
fsprojects / FSharpx.Extras
Functional programming and other utilities from the original "fsharpx" project
ZachBray / FunScript
F# to JavaScript compiler with JQuery etc. mappings through a TypeScript type provider
bryanedds / Nu
Repository hosting the open-source Nu Game Engine and related projects.
fsprojects / ProjectScaffold
A prototypical .NET solution (file system layout and tooling), recommended by the F# Foundation.
AshleyF / VimSpeak
Speak to your editor.
BlueMountainCapital / Deedle
Easy to use .NET library for data and time series manipulation and for scientific programming
fscheck / FsCheck
Random Testing for .NET
lefthandedgoat / canopy
f# web automation and testing framework
intellifactory / websharper
WebSharper - the F#-to-JavaScript framework
tpetricek / FSharp.Formatting
F# tools for generating documentation (Markdown processor and F# code formatter)
nessos / LinqOptimizer
An automatic query optimizer-compiler for Sequential and Parallel LINQ.
freya-fs / freya
Functional-first web stack, including an HTTP finite state machine, built on top of OWIN
Hopac / Hopac
sergey-tihon / Stanford.NLP.NET
Stanford NLP for .NET
nessos / Streams
A lightweight F#/C# library for efficient functional-style pipelines on streams of data.
fsprojects / FsUnit
FsUnit makes unit-testing with F# more enjoyable. It adds a special syntax to your favorite .NET testing framework.
ionide / ionide-fsharp
Set of Atom plugins for F# development