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ecere / ecere-sdk
Ecere SDK
ShimProfiler / SHIM
ecere / chess
Ecere Chess
ecere / fractals
Ecere Fractals Explorer
hellhound / informixdb
InformixDB is an implementation of the Python Database API for IBM Informix database engines.
olliveira / chess
Ecere Chess
meiser / ruby-informix
Ruby library for IBM Informix
JHUISI / autocrypt
automated cryptographic transformations and formal verification
jamiepg1 / chess
Ecere Chess
jamiepg1 / fractals
Ecere Fractals Explorer
DawidvC / chess
Ecere Chess
redj / ecere-sdk
Ecere SDK
jamiepg1 / ruby-informix
Ruby library for IBM Informix
skeller1 / ruby-informix
Ruby library for IBM Informix
jmacdonald / ruby-informix
Ruby library for IBM Informix
jerstlouis / chess
Ecere Chess
jamiepg1 / autocrypt
automated cryptographic transformations and formal verification
anony1 / anonychat
redj / chess
Ecere Chess
olight / 12306msg
Send msg about 12306 from mail or weibo
mothdragon / Nathaniels-Maze-eC
My first full eC program, featuring a randomly generated maze, with a time limit for completion.
mothdragon / CardCreator
A Simple Windows program to create custom Pokemon Cards
dardevelin / stereomood-ec
stereomood-ec is a desktop application that is built with eC to access stereomood audio files
redj / fractals
Ecere Fractals Explorer
jamiepg1 / anonychat