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hashicorp / c1m
Nomad, Terraform, and Packer configurations for the Million Container Challenge (C1M)
hashicorp / best-practices
Capgemini / Apollo
An open-source platform for cloud native applications based on Apache Mesos and Docker.
hashicorp / atlas-examples
Public examples for using Atlas by HashiCorp
bakins / kubernetes-coreos-terraform
Simple Kubernetes cluster on CoreOS in AWS using Terraform
Capgemini / terraform-amazon-ecs
Terraform files for deploying and running Amazon ECS (+ Private Docker Registry)
xuwang / aws-terraform
Code examples to create CoreOS cluster on AWS with Terraform
Samsung-AG / kraken
Deploy a Kubernetes cluster using Terraform and Ansible on top of CoreOS.
RobotsAndPencils / terraform-ecs-autoscaling
A terraform module for creating an AWS autoscaling group for ECS
Colex / aws-infrastructure
Boilerplate for a standard AWS infrastructure
terraform-community-modules / tf_aws_sg
A Terraform module with a collection of common security group settings.
terraform-community-modules / tf_aws_vpc
A terraform module to provide a VPC in AWS.
kelseyhightower / hashiconf-2015
HashiConf 2015 talk demo.
brandfolder / infrastructure
The infrastructure that runs Brandfolder
wearemakery / kubestack-aws
Kubernetes cluster on CoreOS with Terraform
terraform-community-modules / tf_aws_ubuntu_ami
Easy way to lookup Ubuntu AMIs with Terraform
alphagov / tsuru-terraform
terraform-community-modules / tf_aws_rds
A Terraform Template for RDS
paulczar / terraform-kubernetes-openstack
Manage Kubernetes with Packer and Terraform on Google Compute Engine.
eastzone / atpg
Automatic Test Packet Generation
sethvargo / terraform-workshop
The base materials for the Terraform workshop
terraform-community-modules / tf_aws_asg_elb
A Terraform Module for creating an Auto-Scaling Group and Launch Configuration for use with an Elastic Load Balancer
awslabs / apn-blog
APN Blog article code and configurations.
hashicorp / atlas-terraform-tutorial
Terraform configuration for the Atlas Terraform Tutorial
salizzar / terraform-aws-docker
A POC using Terraform to create two EC2 instances running Docker with containerized Nginx daemon.