Random scribbles

The same series of scribble pixel commands:

Polargraph scribble pixel not so random!

Look closely, exact same pixel shapes for each one.  I know random numbers are hard to come by in the digital world, but I did expect the arduino random() function to be slightly less deterministic.  Funny.

I think the differences in the line shapes can be put down to different motor speeds / accelerations.

Polargraphs in the gallery

I got wind of this set of polargraph drawings in a recent show in Belfast.  Richard Forrest is the fellow behind them.


I like this exploration of the intrinsic nature of the digital, or quantised, sampled or rasterised forms – the pixelation is a big part of my own work, and I see it here too.  Richard revels a little more in the flaws of the machine, with some great effects, the distorted face is ace, but I like the abstract portraits the best.

I’m not clear if this last show is still on, but Richard tells me he has an upcoming show in Cork next month that will hopefully be featuring a live machine in situ.  I love to see a live machine.