The majestic Lunargraph!

Extremely impressed by this installation, just gawk:

Lunar Trails from Seb Lee-Delisle on Vimeo.

Organised by the inimitable Seb Lee-Delisle for the Dublin Science Gallery, this is a high quality polargraph-style machine that plots the paths, in real time, of the lunar landers as controlled on the nearby full-size arcade cabinet!

This is a cracking piece of work, a beautiful, exciting collision of engineering and programming – thanks to Seb for showing us what can be done with some string and pens!  I would really love to see some more stuff about the wonderful mechanical solutions that his mechanical engineer Paul Strotten came up with to realise this installation.

Lunar Trails Flickr gallery

Lunar Trails at the Dublin Science Gallery

Should’ve checked those wires

Well, it was going to happen sooner or later – I didn’t check the PCB design properly before sending it off to have it made, so the SD card doesn’t work on any of the batch of PCBs I’ve just received.  OOPS.

Fortunately, the repair isn’t too much of a problem.

But that’s a bit embarrassing isn’t it.  You know I’m the kind of person who lectures others about why it’s worth spending a little extra time checking things too.

So anyway, any Polarshield-based products you buy for the foreseeable future will have this ugly little hack on it.  It’ll get neater over time, and have a bit of tape on top so should be robust.  I’m publishing it here and have fixed the eagle PCB files for in the future.