The majestic Lunargraph!

Extremely impressed by this installation, just gawk:

Lunar Trails from Seb Lee-Delisle on Vimeo.

Organised by the inimitable Seb Lee-Delisle for the Dublin Science Gallery, this is a high quality polargraph-style machine that plots the paths, in real time, of the lunar landers as controlled on the nearby full-size arcade cabinet!

This is a cracking piece of work, a beautiful, exciting collision of engineering and programming – thanks to Seb for showing us what can be done with some string and pens!  I would really love to see some more stuff about the wonderful mechanical solutions that his mechanical engineer Paul Strotten came up with to realise this installation.

Lunar Trails Flickr gallery

Lunar Trails at the Dublin Science Gallery

Driving PolargraphSD wirelessly

I’m finally on top of assembly so can pause for breath.  Thank you to the folks who are still waiting, your machines will be coming to you in the next week or two (at the most).

I wanted to let people know that there’s a couple of neat features in the Polarshield, the first of which is an XBee-shaped socket that can take a wireless transceiver.

It’s as easy as that.  There’s a weak line in the case that can be cut away if you wanted to do this.  This is a great way of simplifying installation of a polargraph machine in a particular space.  I used a wireless connection just like this in the Spectrum Arts machine so that I could do the machine setup / calibration manually and do any little pen tests I wanted to make sure ink was flowing, then draw from SD.  There I used XBees, here I’m using XRF modules (and a Bee Adapter for the PC end).

One foible I came across with my XRFs (maybe I was being dumb) is that I couldn’t get my PC to talk to the PC-side XRF any faster than 9600 baud.  Which is unfortunate because the default rate that the polargraph controller speaks at is 57600 baud, so I added a property to the controller that changes that rate.  If you need to use it, you’ll have to edit the properties file – there isn’t a visible control for it in the application itself.

But once that’s done, it just works as a serial cable replacement: Great!  It doesn’t work for reprogramming the arduino firmware yet – I tried to get that working but never did, so you still need to use a USB cable for that.

A wireless module is not supplied as part of any kit – I decided these are still too expensive, and a little too far outside my expertise to start troubleshooting, but the socket is there for those who would like it.

In the absence of other news: New brackets

I’m still waiting for motors, but in the mean time I have been busily printing cases and soldering polarshields.  An hour and a half now – now bad.

Polargraph motor brackets v2

Here’s some new Polargraph motor brackets I’ve had made.  These have a couple of little improvements over the old designs that make them a little neater to install.  Cable management really:

Polargraph motor brackets v2

But the other feature is that they can also be installed upside down, with the motor hanging rather than being lifted – this should make cables even tidier.  Harder to mount and unmount however.

Polargraph motor brackets v2

Sorry for the continued wait folks, and thank you for your patience.

A weekend of fixes

Hello, please find enclosed a few fixes, an improvement, and a new feature.


  • Controller – Pulling a selection area that overhangs the bottom of an image would cause an unhandled exception.  Fixed by mending the Rectangle.surrounds(..) method.  Off by one, tsk.
  • Controller – Changing to another serial port would always set the baud rate to 57600, regardless of what was set in the properties file.
  • polargraph_server_mega – Rolled mbcook’s pbm format fixes into the mega branch.  I’d forgotten that I had to do that.  Also rejigged it a little, but cosmetic.

An improvement:

  • polargraph_server_* – All firmwares have had their straight line (C17) commands improved.  The last version was ok, but seemed to work much better on polarshields than on the adafruit shield, because of a poorly scaling acceleration algorithm.  It was pretty pausey.  I have pinched the acceleration algorithm from Mike McCauley’s Accelstepper library, and that works much, much better.  I even half understand it.

And a feature in a pear tree:

Vector art that has been created from an automatic bitmap tracing process tends to be made up of loads of tiny lines.   When processed through the controller and quantised to the grid of the machine, they often end up on top of each other, and duplicate points are just slow.

So I’ve added this new slider, which is essentially a lowhigh-pass filter that filters out lines below a certain length.  It re-samples longer lines, and discards entirely lines that are shorter than the threshold.  See these two vector previews:

The left-hand figure has only duplicate points filtered out, this brings it down from around 15,000 commands to 11,700.  Quite a few of those are still just single points – just dots.

The right-hand figure has the shortest vector filter bumped way up, and only has 300 commands.

The drawing wasn’t very good because my pen was running out and it was a bit fast, but you get the point.  Smaller filter values will result in more fidelity, while bigger values will have a more dramatic effect.

Polargraph v1.2.4.  Code in the repo as usual, and compiled and bundled up in a zip.

DRBO – A new drawbot kit

The best thing about being involved in a project like Polargraph, is that you meet like-minded people.  Stuart Childs is one of these people, and a good guy to know.  He is one of the guys behind FriiSpray (which is another art/tech crossover project), amongst other things.  He has put together a very neat new drawbot kit called the DRBO.  It comes complete with arduino uno and motorshield, motors and all the bits you need, and is made of fragrant lasercut mdf.  I got a kit of the hardware bits off him to try out.

As you see, it is adorable when small, but the most best thing about it is that the top bit, the drawing surface bit is pretty sacrificial, if you unbolt it, then you’ve got a good little unit that contains the motors, bobbins and microcontroller, and all you need is a couple of nails banged into a wall to hook the threads over, and you’ve got a machine as big as you want. The threads can just run down to the DRBO on the floor.  No messing about with long wires or some such.

Now, when I’ve tried such shenanigans in the past, it’s never been quite as straightforward as that, but in principle at least, this is very handy.  There’s a very good case for keeping the motors close to the drivers, and it’s so much neater if nothing else.

The build is easy and it’s an example of good design for lasercutting.  It’s all push-out and bolt-together, well-labelled, and there’s even a little circle of sandpaper stuck on to take off the burrs, and a couple of wrenches that have enough life in them to tighten up all the nuts and bolts that you might want more than finger-tight.  That’s a really nice touch.  My favourite bit is that there are counter-sunk bolts at certain points on the surface, and Stuart supplies these dinky little magnetic buttons to hold the paper on!  Brilliant!

The box for the microcontroller is big enough to fit an arduino mega in it, for those who mate megas with adafruit shields.

I did take other pics, but none of them are quite as good as the ones on the DRBO site.  It’s also dead cheap, considering this is basically a full arduino+stepper motors dev kit, PSU, microcontroller, motorshield, motors, servo, fitments, the lot.

Norwegian pixel

So this is the real star of v1.2: The norwegian pixel.

  1. Save your source image as a greyscale PBM or PGM file, and put it on the SD card. Note that GIMP saves PBM files as 2 colour dithered files, so you need to export as PGM to get it to work there.  Photoshop just saves in whatever format the image happens to be in, so make sure you convert to grayscale (not RGB or indexed) before saving.
  2. Put the SD card in the PolargraphSD and turn it on.
  3. Open the controller and drag a selection box where you want to draw your picture.  For one reason or another, you do need to have an image loaded before you’re allowed to drag a selection area.  I just noticed that.  But the image you load is nothing to do with what you’re drawing.
  4. On the roving tab, click set roving area.  This tells the machine where you want it to start.
  5. Click draw norwegian… and enter the filename of your image file.
    Click trace outline and the machine will quickly draw an outline of where the image will be.  The image will be scaled so that it is the width of the rove area, regardless of how tall that works as being.  So really the height of the rove area is irrelevant.
  6. Choose the amplitude (row width) and the wavelength, and hit submit to send the command off to the machine.
  7. Wait many hours.

I haven’t done an awful lot of testing of this, but the initial results are beautiful.  

HOWEVER, I have noticed one issue – there are regularly spaced breaks in each row, some more obvious than others.  This is because of the way the beaded cord slips on the sprockets, and it’s a problem I actually expected to see before now.  The issue is that the beaded cord is not manufactured to very close tolerances, so the sprockets are rarely a perfect size.  It means that each beads-worth of rotation, there’s a little slip while the beads pull taut into the teeth.

There isn’t really a solution as far as I can see, as long as there’s even a mismatch between the circumference of the sprocket and the length of a piece of cord with the same number of beads, there’ll always be a little period where it falls forward.

Note that I think it’s only a problem for machines with beaded cords – if you use reels of thread and smooth bobbins, you’ll be fine.

–EDIT I goofed a bit with the various firmwares, and half the stuff didn’t work. I’m a bit puzzled how I didn’t notice, but there you go. Anyway, I’ve fixed a bunch of stuff, so if you had problems with the newest stuff, give it another shot.

Polargraph v1.2: Vector sprites guide.

Two exciting new features for PolargraphSD.  Both of them rely on the new roving area facility.   This is essentially nothing more than a way of specifying a drawing “live” area, and telling the machine.  Previously the machine has had very little concept of state, and (more-or-less) just did what it’s told.  Now, by setting a rove area, we can tell it to limit its behaviour to just that area.

Both of these features are very GOOD ones.

How to rove.

Most of the roving functions are hidden away on the roving tab, but it shares buttons with input.  Define a area on-screen by dragging a selection area, or selecting the frame.  Now just press send roving area and a new command is sent off that sets this in the machine’s live memory.  This area is volatile, so if you reset, you’ll need to resend.

Vector sprites.

A vector sprite is nothing more than a small vector design, but instead of existing in the coordinates system of the machine, it has its own coordinates system.  So when I have made up a font with each letter being one sprite, each letter has 0,0 at the bottom-left point.  Capital letters are 1.0 high, and around 0.4 wide.  What unit these values are measurements of is irrelevant, because the machine can now scale them to any size, and  draw them anywhere, and rotate them to the four cardinal native polargraph directions.

Vector sprites will be able to be lots of things in the future, but the first application is writing text.

  1. Choose your rove area by selecting an area and clicking send roving area.
  2. Choose whereabouts in the rove area you want the text to start by clicking start text at point and clicking somewhere in your rove area.  The gondola will move to that point on the machine and wait.
  3. Click render writing to bring up the writing dialog:
    Type in your text or load it from a text file using the button. For now, it can only draw in a south-east direction.
  4. Notice that there’s a file prefix here.  This tells the machine to find the sprite font files on the SD card in a subdirectory called sprite, and that the files themselves will be prefixed with let (for letter).
  5. Hit generate commands and see that each character has been converted to a new command:
    The C39 commands tells the machine to draw a sprite from a file on the SD card, at the current machine position, and scaled 80x.

In this case, these are letter form files, and there’s loads of them which is why they get their own directory on the card.  And because this is being done in the context of writing, then the machine knows that if it finds itself outside the rove are, then it knows how to work out where to start the new line.

The grid size sets the text row height, and the pixel scaling controls how big the actual letter forms are scaled within those rows.

In practice, this has the ring of Jack Torrance to it, which is nervously apt.  It’s possible to read fragments, but because each line is longer than the last, and because of the curve and the distortion, it’s almost impossible to figure out how the lines follow on from one another, and very easy to lose track.  Quite disorientating to try.

For this to work you need to copy the sprites folder onto your SD card.

Get the new code, controller and things from the repo

Polargraph 1.2 Controller source code

Polargraph server for polarshield source code

Or in the binaries bundle.  I put the mac and the pc version in together – let me know if there’s any problems with doing it this way.

The other new feature is actually more significant, but a bit more simple:

Norwegian pixel FTW.  I’ll write some more about that tomorrow, because it’s bedtime now.

Norwegian pixel preview

Didn’t get around to making up a numbered release this weekend, entirely restructured the server code instead to separate the basic polargraph stuff from the advanced polargraphSD stuff.  This will make it much easier to keep multiple versions in sync, but needs a bit more testing to make sure I haven’t broken something in the mean time.

However, also added a couple of new features, one of which is the much-asked for norwegian pixel style (above).  This is named after the Norwegian Creations drawbot that I featured on this blog before, and looks quite like it, but is remarkable because it draws directly from a bitmap file on the SD card itself, rather than interpreting commands from the controller.

Vector sprites – aka WRITING

A major new feature sprang up over the weekend, and it’s actually one of the things that was immediately desirable when this project started over a year ago. 

PolargraphSD can now draw vector sprites.  These are little fragments of vector art saved into their own files, they are executed by a new command (C39) that specifies where on the machine they should be drawn and at what size.  It works as a kind of macro.  The first application is writing:

In this case I’ve made up 26 files, each with a letter form in it.  I specify the active area using the controller and a starting point where to draw the first letter, then feed in a load of text.  Lines wrap until the active area is full.

This uses the rove area as the demarcation for it’s operations.  The rove area is not entirely a new thing, but it’s never really worked before.  It’s really nothing more than a safe, cartesian area to behave in and it’s specified as simply as dragging a box in the controller and sending it to the machine. It’s going to be important for future standalone functions where the machine will be given free rein to draw or scribble or otherwise fill in this rove area.  It’s called a rove area because the machine is free to rove anywhere in it.

I’ve committed the code I’ve done already, but there’s still a little bit of work to do before putting out a full new compiled version, so that’ll happen later in the week.