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LED light

Important but still not a standard feature: LED light

Sure it is easy to strap in a LED, resistor and some wire, though a more elegant solution could be a nice thing in the future.

Epiled is nowadays the to-go LED for many applications.

They come in SMD package and are often mounted on an aluminum 'star' to provide cooling. 

There is a wide variety of pin configurations

2 pin single LED's.
4 pin RGB LED's Common Anode
4 pin RGB LED's Common Cathode
the 2 and 4 pin variation share the same pin dimensions

6 pin RGB 3 separate LED's in one package
the 6 pin variation has slightly smaller pads

Also note that these LED's have a heatsink pad and that Anode and Cathode markings are sometimes hard to figure out. (not all companies follow a single rule)

Keep in mind that these LED's are very intense light sources, and are not without risk for your sight. Use them with care!

Since dimension specs are still hard to find I'll share what I found about them.

I'm not sure this is an epiled although it is also a populair one.

And a few very high intensity LED's (way over the top, don't be silly to put these in your printer, you will eventually go blind one day)