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Clean discolored ABS


Retr0bright is a public domain chemical mixture used to remove yellowing from ABS plastic computer and electronics cases, including computers that were manufactured by Commodore and Apple in the 1980s and 1990s, and various video game consoles and cartridges. Yellowing is caused by both bromine and exposure to UV light. Bromine is added to ABS plastic, acting as a fire retardant. So if you print with ABS it might be an idea to verify if your ABS has bromine in it's mixture or not. And if you want your ABS to be fire retardet or not.

Before you begin: This is all at your own risk. There are several people who managed to destroy their retro hardware with this magic potion. So you have been warned.

Please be carefull with this stuff hydrogen peroxide is nasty stuff, wear gloves, don't destroy you clothes and take safety measures stuff to clean your eyes when you accidentally are about to bleach you eyes.
Ok, now lets refurbish some old crap.
This Salon Care cream  is probably the best idea, you don't have to mix chemicals and it seems to work just great.

Salon Care 40 Volume Creme Developer 16 oz.

Ingredients are:

So maybe there is an alternative brand that has similar ingredients in your local store.