Pi * (diameter of the shaft + diameter of the string) = TotalDiameter Steps per revolution * microstep / TotalDiameter = Step per mm Having a 5 mm shaft and 0.33 mm string and 200 steps per revolution with 1/16 microstepping the math is: 3.1415*(5+0.33)=16.744195 200*16/16.744195=191.11100892 or 191.11 (the firmware only takes 2 digits) And for instance 5mm shaft 0.44 string:3.1415*(5+0.44)=17.08976 200*16/17.08976=187.246631901 or 187.24 5mm shaft 0.5 string: 3.1415*(5+0.5)=17.27825 200*16/17.27825=185.203941371 or 185.20 10mm shaft 0.3 string: 200*16/32.35745=98.895308499 or 98.89 And.. here is some knot science: |
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