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Arduino Nano v3

Official Gravitech Arduino Nano 3.1


These all work fine.

Then there are MANY clones out there

Some clones work fine, others have issues with USB communication and FTDI USB lockups on power up when powering the Arduino on the Vin.
This issue can be fixed by grounding the FTDI's TEST pin (pin26)
The FTDI's RESET pin (pin 25) is also grounded, so its just a matter of placing a droplet of tin between these two pins and the issue should be fixed.

And more recently there are newer released Arduino Nano's that replaced the 'expensive' FTDI chip by a much cheaper chip, the CH340. The CH340 does in fact all things the same as the FTDI.

For people who use GNU/Linux this will just work without any hassle. Windows users might need too install a driver to make it work. And Apple users too.

The CH340 chip is available in several variations,
USB to RS232/IrDA CH340R


There isn't much information available on this chip (at least not in English)
but this Chinese datasheet will explain most of it.
There is however also a CH340S, USB to Printerport version and that does have a English Datasheet

An interesting extra is that this clone also uses a more efficient LM1117 Low Drop voltage regulator that can handle 800mA, where the original uses a UA78M05 that can handle only 500mA and consumes more energy. So when using these clones on battery powered projects you might be able do a little bit more with one battery.

Another regulator, the LP38851 has even less voltage dropout, but is most likely more expensive..