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ATtiny AM transmitter


Pricerange: $ 10.00


The code (for an ATtiny44A):

// designed for and tested with ATTiny44A #include <avr/io.h> #define F_CPU 1000000UL #include <avr/delay.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> void beep(){ for(char i=50;i;i--){ DDRA|=_BV(PA7);_delay_ms(1); DDRA&=~_BV(PA7);_delay_ms(1); } } void rest(){_delay_ms(100);} void dot(){beep();rest();} void dash(){beep();beep();beep();rest();} void space(){rest();rest();} void space2(){space();space();} int main(){ DDRA|=_BV(PA7); for(;;){ dot();dot();dot();space(); // S dash();dot();dash();dot();space(); // C dash();dash();dash();space(); // O dash();space(); // T dash();space(); // T space2(); dot();dash();dot();space(); // R dash();dash();dash();space(); // O dash();dot();dash();dot();space(); // C dash();dot();dash();space(); // K dot();dot();dot();space(); // S _delay_ms(1000); // silence } return 0; }
You probably need permission to transmit on public radio frequency bands if you don't want to be a pirate.

A few basics of AM transmission:

Another even more low tech solution for morse code is this:
Picture of Build a computer controlled radio transmitter


Picture of Wire up the oscillator
Picture of Gather Supplies

Or for audio transmission:
Picture of Making the MP3/AM transmitter