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Pricerange: 300.00 (hardware with icosi installed)


Icosi is a closed-source controller host-software for 3D printing. But it runs on free and open software GNU/Ubuntu. So if there is a bug you can't fix it yourself, and are at the mercy of the icosi gods. (thats a bit strange huh?)

It focuses on usability in a simple and direct matter. This is a complete host controller kit (power supply, main board, touch screen and software). See the user guide for more information.

General information

Linux based
IcosI runs on Linux (Ubuntu 13.04) 32-bit, but icosi itself is Closed-source

Computer hardware
The IcosI hardware it includes a 3.4ghz dual core processor, with integrated 3D graphics. On board is 2GB of RAM, which can be expanded to 4GB.

Modern web technologies
IcosI is build using state of the art web technologies including:

HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Bootstrap and webGL

IcosI backend
The IcosI backend is developed using Python. It uses MySQL (mysql.com) as database backend and Blender (blender.org) for rendering the 3D images.

Slicing software
For slicing 3D models the latest version of the populair open-source software Slic3r (slic3r.org) is included with IcosI.


Browser support
The following browsers are currently supported for accessing IcosI over network. For certain features webGL is required.

Internet Explorer 9 or higher *, Firefox 24, Recent Chrome version

* webGL for buildiong plates is supported in Internet Explorer 11

Megatronics / Minitronics
IcosI supports ReprapWorld.com's hardware. You can use IcosI with either Minitronics or Megatronics. Refer to their respective datasheets for more information.

3D printer firmware
At this time only Marlin is supported. You can download a suported Marlin version from the ReprapWorld.com website.

Certified hardware
IcosI runs on consumer grade PC-hardware. The hardware needs to be certified to run IcosI to be supported.

IcosI - Printer host controller kit v1.1 (BETA)IcosI - Printer host controller kit v1.1 (BETA)